Kit Kat Smuggler-Yet another title to add to my resume?

Sometimes in your web browsing, you stumble over whole subcultures you were completely oblivious to...such as people with candy fixations in general and Kit Kat obsessions in specific.
While recently in Japan, I picked up a bag of lemon cheesecake flavored Kit Kat bars to see what they tasted like and to give my friends back home something interesting to try out. Apparently, Nestles Japan comes out with a new flavor each "season" (the box in the regular sized retail package says in English "Season's flavor") I recently saw a posting concerning the next flavor....Green Tea. On this posting, people were saying how much they enjoyed the lemon cheesecake flavor (I personally didn't care for it) and how they 'missed it now that it was gone' (I bought my package about six weeks ago).
This prompted me to look on ebay for kit kats and I was surprised to find 80 recent auctions for various flavors of kit kats...many of which have been released in other countries. Most of these auctions didn't have buyers, but if you need to get your hands on some "inside out" (chocolate wafers with white chocolate coating) kit kats, there is a place you can go to get that fix.
However, what caught my attention was the prices that the lemon and green tea kit kats were selling at...$10 for the lemon and $8.25 for the green tea. These bars sell for about $1.08 US in Japan. Not bad margins.
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