Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up those missing pop tarts
I’ve been chewing on this post for about 8 months and most of what I was going to write about has lost its taste but there was one part I wanted to put up…The Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (ROTS) food related items.
While movie/packaged food tie ins are nothing new (last year’s Shrek 2 had easily dozens of food related tie ins, including green Shrek Twinkies), the scale and depth of the ROTS related food promotions was truly impressive.
For example, Skittles released 48 different related ROTS packages and provided a handy PDF file showing a picture of each package and a handy check list for the super anal retentive ROTS collector, whom I imagine was the primary target audience for this promotion.

Given Vader’s experiences with lava, I some how wonder if he would be interested in “lava striped” cookies. Yummm, chock full of Mustafarian goodness.

And while I will admit that I fell under the marketing charms of Kellogg’s’ efforts and ended up buying several boxes of Frosted Flakes solely to get my very own light up “saber spoons”, I was more taken by the visage of Samuel L. Jackson/ Mace Windu on boxes of various Kellogg’s cereals. As one of the more unhappy/ass kicking Jedi (I bet that his light saber says “bad mother_ucker” on it), I’d certainly like to start my day with his scowling mug than say, Obi-Wan’s. To my eye, Windu’s mug seems to be serving a two stage marketing function. In the store it seems to be saying ‘You’d better buy this mother_ucking cereal or I’ll cut your head off like Jango Fett’s’ (thus creating a call to action). At home, it seems to be saying ‘Child, I know you aren’t EVEN thinking of eating any other cereal than this one’ and thus prompting consumption and possible accelerated future purchasing.
While movie/packaged food tie ins are nothing new (last year’s Shrek 2 had easily dozens of food related tie ins, including green Shrek Twinkies), the scale and depth of the ROTS related food promotions was truly impressive.
For example, Skittles released 48 different related ROTS packages and provided a handy PDF file showing a picture of each package and a handy check list for the super anal retentive ROTS collector, whom I imagine was the primary target audience for this promotion.

Given Vader’s experiences with lava, I some how wonder if he would be interested in “lava striped” cookies. Yummm, chock full of Mustafarian goodness.

And while I will admit that I fell under the marketing charms of Kellogg’s’ efforts and ended up buying several boxes of Frosted Flakes solely to get my very own light up “saber spoons”, I was more taken by the visage of Samuel L. Jackson/ Mace Windu on boxes of various Kellogg’s cereals. As one of the more unhappy/ass kicking Jedi (I bet that his light saber says “bad mother_ucker” on it), I’d certainly like to start my day with his scowling mug than say, Obi-Wan’s. To my eye, Windu’s mug seems to be serving a two stage marketing function. In the store it seems to be saying ‘You’d better buy this mother_ucking cereal or I’ll cut your head off like Jango Fett’s’ (thus creating a call to action). At home, it seems to be saying ‘Child, I know you aren’t EVEN thinking of eating any other cereal than this one’ and thus prompting consumption and possible accelerated future purchasing.

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