Gum and Nuts: Real world product #1

Pepsi has been has been trying to obtain growth through development of new products. Coke has been doing the same with new flavors to Sprite, such a Sprite Remix, and Sprite Berry Clear Remix. This isn't anything new, since both Coke and Pepsi are always trying out new products, such as the short lived, "generation X" soda, OK. OK Soda was test marketed in Midwest in 94 (Generation X "neither feels highs nor lows" (or so said Lisa Simpson), so a soda that named "OK" would appeal to them, especially if the product packaging was swathed in faux ironic trappings)...You can read more about the short life of OK soda here

I won't claim that my taste buds are the base median for the US, but I'm pretty sure that not a lot of people were walking around saying, "hmmmm, I need some spice in my life....Yes, a spicy cola would do the trick."
One side of the 2 liter bottle states the following "Celebrate the season with family, friends and new Pepsi Holiday Spice. It's a festive blend of holiday spices and a great tasting Pepsi. But it's only around through the season, so this is one gift you'll want to open early. And often!" While I can easily see a meeting of Pepsi marketing folks chewing over various iterations of this text ('We gotta push frequency!'), I am rather mystified over the "holiday spices" aspect. I really didn't taste anything holiday-ish here, nor do I consider cinnamon to be very Christmas-ish. Granted calling it cinnamon cola would likely be too blunt but it would be much more truthful than "spice". When I bought this, the clerk asked if I knew what it tasted like, since she hadn't tried it myself. I professed my confusion over the word "spice" (my instant association to the word spice is "Old Bay" a crab flavored cola, there's a product idea!) and that I was buying it to try it. But I may buy another bottle just see the faces of my friends when they try it themselves.
I somehow suspect this product will be soon ending up in the flotsam and jetsam of global trade, like these cans of Dr. Pepper's Red Fusion I found at Don Quijote in Shinjuku a few weeks ago.

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