P'eatzza sandwich

Side View

In a very Nutsandgum-isan way, 7-11 in the US has introduced a new "sandwich", the P’eatzza Sandwich (I’m guessing that apostrophe is there so you don’t think it is a peat sandwich), which instead using bread, uses two slices of pepperoni pizza. The sandwich, which is served cold and meant to be consumed that way, also has some mayonnaise, and thus bridges the J/US pizza divide of using mayonnaise on pizza. This is yet another of 7-11's efforts to create new products to serve the “go-food” or portable food that can be eaten quickly and usually with one hand, for the all important eating while driving market.
And in the interest of scholarship, gentle readers, I actually tried this. While I’m a big fan of cold pizza, I must admit the turkey/pizza taste combination was not one my taste buds have been long crying out to try, even though the pizza /pepperoni was the more dominate flavor. While I am using a somewhat diminished criteria (it is 7-11 afterall, or at least a US 7-11, where my first question when considering choices is “Will this kill me if I eat it?”), it is actually not that bad overall although I wouldn’t go as far to say it was really good. It was fairly substantial and if I was really hungry, it would do the job. But I don’t know if I would seek this out if I had other choices.
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