NYT feels bad for Paris Hilton
You know for a quote that good, you really should have something better than “someone told MSNBC”. However, I don’t know which is sadder….that someone thinks emails are more a private act than sex or that having your unapproved sex tape mass distributed is not that big a deal.
While the piece mostly focuses on the ChoicePoint scandal, it did have this presumably unintentional gaff. This picture with
this caption underneath ”A T-shirt expresses the plight of the socialite's friends.” Yeah, her friends are going to be the one’s buying this rather than hipsters looking to be trendy/faux ironic by pretending they are friends of Paris. Probably next week there will be a piece stating that truckers hats are a sign of a new shift by young people towards working class values.
And is it just my suspicious nature, but does anyone else think that Fred Durst “sidekick” (which can't film movies…it can only take still photos) sex tape was probably released by Fred Durst himself in order to get some ink? Feel free to make your own 'I did it for the nookie' joke.
Some Sympathy for Paris Hilton
POOR Paris Hilton!
As unlikely as the preceding sentence might seem, there is ample reason to pity Ms. Hilton, the heiress, reality-TV actress, product pitchwoman and accidental porn starlet.
Ms. Hilton just can't seem to get a break in the digital age. She suffered embarrassment back in 2003 when a homemade sex tape hit the Internet, and now her Sidekick - a high-tech toy that combines phone, organizer and camera and also lets users send e-mail and instant messages - has been hacked. Its contents, like her movie, were posted to the Internet for any and all to enjoy.
"She was pretty upset about it," someone told MSNBC. "It's one thing to have people looking at your sex tapes, but having people reading your personal e-mails is a real invasion of privacy."
You know for a quote that good, you really should have something better than “someone told MSNBC”. However, I don’t know which is sadder….that someone thinks emails are more a private act than sex or that having your unapproved sex tape mass distributed is not that big a deal.
While the piece mostly focuses on the ChoicePoint scandal, it did have this presumably unintentional gaff. This picture with

And is it just my suspicious nature, but does anyone else think that Fred Durst “sidekick” (which can't film movies…it can only take still photos) sex tape was probably released by Fred Durst himself in order to get some ink? Feel free to make your own 'I did it for the nookie' joke.
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